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Showing posts from 2011

Moving Plan

Moving to other places or country is a big challenge. Away from familiar grounds and family for several years is a very difficult decision. Moving to long-distance locations however commonly happens to people around the world. I am actually settled in a nice place but still I consider myself in the future to probably call a Local Movers . Relocating as always involves transporting things and prized possessions. Planning the activity and the Moving Estimates is a must and is essential. The word hassle is the usual part in this event and to avoid this, it may be practical to hire reliable professional moving companies. Consider also Long Distance Movers if your going to transfer or moving to a far location. They are the experts in moving things over long distances location with all the needed tools and facilities for the relocation. Never forget about Local Moving Quotes in your considerations. This is vital in choosing what company to choose. It is important that you remember thes...

Web Hosting For You

Are you looking for a webhosting today? If you are, then entering online marketing or personal online business world is not a problem for you. This will create tremendous traffic and superb configuration on your site in a full blast operation and in a convenient way. In the online world today, large number of businesses are into the business of web hosting but I have to say that really few hosting companies stick to their promises of an optimized and dedicated services to their customers. This is the reality that should be corrected, that hosting services should stick to their promises of giving the desired service of the customers and completely support what ever problems the client might encounter. Practically, web hosting services should give complete package as promised with the part of affordability, security issues, usability and reliability. With all the luck, I have found a great site that serves as promised. People, friends and webmasters who are in with the online world, ch...

Weeding out corruption in the Philippines

The vision and ongoing drive of the present government of President Noynoy Aquino to eliminate graft and corruption and to promote integrity and honesty in all government agencies in the Philippines is admirable. Apparently this administration put a primer in uncovering corruption and excesses by the past administration and bringing the culprit government officials in the open and to court. The witch hunt seem to cover all agencies in the government and even government owned corporations.This is unprecendented. From the exposes and congressional and senatorial hearings , ordinary citizens like me can only gasp in awe at the depth and extent of alleged corruption and abuses made in the past bureaucracy. The alleged abuses were truly mind boogling. Whatever critics and sour grapers say, this ongoing anti-corruption initiative has already produced tangible results: -A number of cases against past officials, the past President of the Philippines included are already filed. - Some gov...

NBA Playoffs

The ongoing NBA Playoffs has lived up to its expectations. What a very thrilling and interesting show it has become. I just cannot miss the remaining games.Nor should you. With all teams giving their all and key players dishing out outstanding performances, the games can only be but exciting. Although the Oklahoma City Thunders is on the verge of elimination in its duel against Dallas Mavericks,the games played were tight. It would not be far fetched if the Thunders can make a comeback. Likewise the Chigago Bulls can even the series with Miami Heat. The outcome although now heavily stacked against the Thunders and Oklahoma,is still up for grab. I would like to see both the Thunders and Bulls catch up with the leaders and go for a down the wire finish to the finals. My guess however is for the Dallas and Miami to make it to the finals. Anyway, may the best teams win.

Getting to the Top in Class

The academic achievement of a 19 year old student of the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, is simply amazing. Mr John Gabriel Perias as reported in the Philippine Daily Inquirer will graduate this summer,Summa Cum Laude in BS Mathematics with a general weighted average (GWA) of 1.016. This feat is extraordinary given the high academic standards for which the University of the Philippine is known. What's more. He just broke the university's post war record (1948) of 1.193 GWA. This teen ager for sure is very intelligent. From what is known, he graduated valedictorian in high school. But what made him tick? What made him different from lots of high school valedictorians out there. He appears normal. Writing short novels, watching tv and playing piano are his past times. His professors credited him with unwavering focus and maturity beyond his years.I would say the key to his outstanding success was his strategy to study his subjects excessively in advance. Ac...

Crowd Control Information

Hi everyone. I have something great for you. This is a cool one so you better read this. Have you gone to any private or public places? I know you have. But have you observed the things that keep these places in order? Actually these things are actually tools for crowd control . It keeps everything organized. Crowd control stanchions are the things that need to be setup in an orderly manner and to be setup that is magnificent to the view of the eye. However, these also need velvet rope to complete the setup. It would be better if you would also wisely choose the color of the velvet rope that will be perfect for the view of the place and that is noticeable to the people visiting the vicinity. You could also use barricades if it suits to the occasion. You must remember that it is important to plan first the event, for you to have a better view on the possible outcome of it.

Beware of vultures taking advantage of Japan's Woes

When tragedies struck, it is not uncommon to hear of dubious people or organizations diverting aid money or valuables from the victims. That there are people who thrive or make their living from other peoples' miseries is beyond comprehension.The recent calamity that hit Japan is no exception. Apparently these human vultures are at work right now. Newspapers and the internet are awash with warning on websites or organizations masquerading as legitimate charitable institutions. These vultures lure unsuspecting good samaritans to give their financial or material aids to Japan's earthquake and tsunamis' victims through their organization or financial accounts.Of course your aid would never reach the intended beneficiaries. These parasites are very clever. I recalled one incident when a fairly large earthquake hit the southern Philippines. A well dressed elderly man went around our subdivision claiming he was soliciting contributions in behalf of the victims. That he was an em...

Troubling Developments in the Middle East

The massive political protests gripping Libya,Bahrain and Yemen, no doubt alarm long serving rulers.Emboldened by successful protest actions in the neighboring Tunisia,angry citizens apparently fed-up by corruption, economic difficulties and inefficiencies by their long serving leaders, now demand radical political reforms and greater freedom sparing not even their monarchy. These should serve as a lesson to dictators and ruling monarchies. My salute and smypathy to the people in the middle east nations who have awakened at last. These brave people will not be cowed anymore. And unless wide ranging political reforms are instituted, government headed by dictators and monarchies will face crippling protest actions. and unrests. No doubt the rest of the world wants the middle east to normalize as soon as possible. Oil dependent and labor exporting nations like the Philippines would be hit hard economically should the current upheavals in these nations are not resolved soonest.

A Last Salute to General Angelo Reyes

I am not a fan of General Angelo Reyes but I find his supreme sacrifice of taking his own life admirable. Some may say he is not man enough to face the consequences of his alleged involvement in the corruption of the Philippine Armed forces. But surely it takes great courage to take one's life. Would we rather have generals or politicians who "bravely" face the same situation but actually cowering behind the phalanx of lawyers and legal maneuvers? In the past and currently, we have had high profile trials and senate and congress hearings of alleged corrupt politicians. These personalities were too severely humiliated and in the perception of the many Filipinos guilty as hell. Some were even incarcerated.Yet did we hear any one of them committing suicide? On the contrary,some even made political comebacks. No matter What hislevel of involment is or if he is at all involved in the alleged corruption in the Armed Forces, what General Reyes did certainly put him a rung hi...